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From the History of Belarus

Гиль Наталья

I. Learn new words.

—princess of royal blood –принцесса королевской крови

—ball - бал

—fell in love at first sight – влюбился с первого взгляда

—married secretly – пожениться тайно

—a poisoned ring – отравленное кольцо

—touched the ghost – дотронулся до привидения

II. Watch the video and do the tasks

III. True or False

1. Did Barbara live in a castle in Nyesvizh?

2. She had two brothers , didn’t she ?

3. Was Zhygimont the king of Poland?

4. He fell in love with Barbara at first sight , didn’t he ?

5. Was Bona Sforza for or against their marriage ?

6. She gave Barbara a poisoned ring and Barbara died, didn’t she ?

7. Since that time the castle of Nyasvizh is visited by the ghost of Barbara, isn’t it?

8. Is it the Black Lady ?

IV. Answer the questions.

1.Where did Barbara live ?

2.What was Zhygimont ?

3.Where did he saw Barbara ?

4. What happened ?

5.Why did they married secretly?

6.Who killed Barbara ?

7.What did Zhygimont ask the magician about?

8.Who appeared in the castle since that time?

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