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Викторина по английскому языку для 9-11 классов

Гиль Наталья

What do you know about English-Speaking countries?


“English- Speaking World”

1. What are the longest rivers in the UK?

2. What is the national symbol of Scotland?

3. Do you know the hometown of the famous band “The Beatles”?

4. When is “Auld Lang Syne” often sung?

5. What’s the nickname of London’s Underground?

6. What park of London has the Speaker’s Corner?

7. Which English author and famous mathematician created the story of Alice in Wonderland?

8. What is the official address of Prime Minister’s house in the UK?

9. This building was rebuilt by Christopher Wren after the Great Fire of London in 1666? What is it?

10. In the bar of every English pub you will find the game of … being played.

11. The Empire State is another name for…?

12. When do Americans celebrate Independence Day?

13. Who were the first inhabitants of America?

14. Where is the tallest building (skyscraper)in the world?

15. What is the national sport in America?

16. The US national motto is…

17. In which area have Americans received the most Nobel’s rewards?

18. Where is the Statue of Liberty?

19. What city of the USA is called “The City of the Yellow Devil”?

20. This famous American was a writer, scientist, an inventor and a diplomat. He started the first public library and the first fire department. His portrait is given on the 100 dollar’s banknote. Who was he?

21. Who are the Australians natives?

22. Australia is the world’s largest … and the smallest …

23. Who discovered Australia?

24. What is the capital of Australia: Canberra or Sydney?

25. When were the Olympic Games held in Sydney?

26. If in London it’s 8 a.m., in Sydney it’s …

27. Why did the first settlers rush to Australia?

28. During the period of colonization British Government sent … to Australia.

29. How many states and territories are there in Australia?

30. What are the national colours of Australia?

31. What is the mother tongue in Canada?

32. What are the largest cities?

33. Where is Canada situated?

34. How long is the longest street in the world (Yonge Street) being in Canada?

35. Why is there a maple leaf on the flag of Canada?

36. What is the most popular dish in Canada?

37. Who is the head of Canadian state? Is there a president in Canada?

38. Why is there little population in Canada?

39. What do the British and the Canadians have in common according to their character?

40. What world’s wonder is situated in Canada?

41. Does New Zealand consist of only two islands?

42. What is the capital of New Zealand?

43. What other language do many native people speak in addition to English?

44. What Empire did New Zealand once belong to?

45. Who is the monarch of New Zealand?

46. Most New Zealanders are descendants of the early … settlers.

47. What is the name of a little bird (a symbol of New Zealand) who can’t fly and a nickname of people who live in New Zealand?

48. Any part of the country is situated in … km from the ocean.

49. What is the Blue Lake famous for?

50. One of the most convenient and safest city in the world is…


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